Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Customer Service (EOC 2)

As a girl i love to shop. However, there have been a few experiences when that shopping experience is not the best it can be and there are times when it is just great. Every store focuses on good customer service, however not all of them go by the book or maybe its just certain employees. Anyways, about a week ago i went to sears and bought a couple of jeans. That same day my family and I were leaving to California for a family event. It was not until later that i realized i was charged and extra pair of jeans. As so I came back from Cali. i went over to sears and explained the situation to them. The customer service representative gave me a weird look and said there was nothing she could do to help me because i should have gone back to the store right away. Again i explained to her that i was out of town but that i was sure that if they looked at their camera's they would know i was not lying. Every receipt has a date and time. I should know. I work in retail :).Again the associate said that she was positive there was nothing that could be done about but she would call a manager anyways.The manager was very friendly. I explained my situation and she completely understood. Unlike the unfriendly cashier she explained to me that i would take a while to check the camaras and so on which i completely understood since im familiar with the process.In the end I ended up getting my money back but not without first having to go through a bad time with someone with bad customer service skills. The only good thing was dealing withe the manager who had excellent customer service skills so it was a bad experience at first but with a 'happy ending' :)

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